Are Dogs Really Color-Blind?

By: Lily Feinn/The Dodo  In some ways, they actually see better than we do. Have you ever wondered what the world looks like through your dog’s eyes? For example, when you throw a red ball into a patch of green grass, what does your pup see? A popular notion suggests the world appears to dogs as outlines and…

“Fanged Fish” Washes Up On Texas Beach Post-Harvey And Baffles The Internet

By:   Rosie McCall/IFL Science  A terrifying, prehistoric-looking fish was found washed up on a beach after Hurricane Harvey. A passer-by spotted the beached animal in Texas City, Texas. Preeti Desai, a science communicator for the Audubon Society, initially thought it was a sea lamprey but on closer inspection changed her mind. Speaking to Earth Tough News, Desai said the encounter was “unexpected”….

Animal Sanctuary Flooded By Hurricane Rushes To Save Everyone

By: Sarah V Schweig/The Dodo  “When you’re faced with circumstances like that you’re stronger than you think.” Renee King-Sonnen is the kind of person who has made a habit of overcoming the impossible. She married a cattle rancher — and now the ranch is a sanctuary. All the cows that were being raised for slaughter were saved, transformed…

Fisherman Catches A Rare ‘Ghost’ Lobster — And Sends Her Back Home

By: Lily Feinn/The Dodo  “I wouldn’t have sold or cooked it either way.” Mythical sea creatures are the stuff social media trends are made of, so it came as no surprise when pictures of an incredibly rare “ghost” lobster quickly went viral over the weekend. Thankfully, the iridescent crustacean was back home in Maine waters by the time she…