China Will Defend North Korea Against America If The US Attacks First

By: James Holbrooks/ANTIMEDIA  — Allegiances are solidifying in the Asia-Pacific. On Friday, China, which has remained relatively quiet as tensions have spiked between the United States and North Korea over the past week, recognized that “it needs to make clear its stance to all sides” and did so in an editorial in its state-run Global Times: “China should also make clear that…

Deepening “Crisis” In US Reveals One In Eight Americans Are Now Alcoholics

By: Tom Hale/IFL Science  The “opioid epidemic” continues to be the weight quietly sitting on the shoulders of the US. However, a dramatic rise in dangerously heavy drinking across the country suggests that alcoholism could be a new epidemic hiding in plain sight. Latest figures show that 12.7 percent of people living in the US have some kind of alcohol-related…

Taking Vitamin B3 During Pregnancy Could Help Prevent Birth Defects And Reduce Miscarriages

By: James Felton/IFL Science  Birth defects and miscarriages could be significantly reduced around the world if vitamin B3 supplements are given during pregnancy, a major study has found. A 12-year study by scientists at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, Australia discovered that the vitamin could cure molecular deficiencies that cause miscarriages and birth defects. Currently, one…

Carl Sagan’s Eerily Accurate Prediction About The Demise Of America

By: Buck Roger/Waking Times   Far from being a mystic or a prophet, Carl Sagan was a man of science, a man of analytical reasoning, with a penchant for wonder and appreciation for the mystery of the cosmos. He’s well-known for his statement that‘we are made of starstuff,’ just beings composed of atomic matter and held together by physics. Published…

After Planned Parenthood Was Defunded In Texas The Obvious Happened, Study Confirms

By: James Felton/IFL Science  In Texas, up until 2011, there had been impressive progress in tackling teenage pregnancy. The teen pregnancy rate fell by an impressive 44 percent between 1988 and 2011. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Texas was still the sixth highest state for number of teen pregnancies, with 65 pregnancies occurring per…

Mainstream Normalizes Pedophilia With ‘Victoria Secret’-Style Lingerie Show Featuring 5yo Girls

By: Jay Syrmopoulos/The Free Thought Project  A highly disturbing Victoria’s Secret-style lingerie show featuring 5-year-olds highlights the push to normalize pedophilia in the mainstream. The latest movement within media and Hollywood pop culture is a distinctive agenda to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children. The latest example of this growing trend within mainstream media is a…