By: Rosie McCall/IFL Science Humanity has been looking for a way to “fix” our own mortality since, well, forever. In medieval times, there were the alchemists who searched for a universal elixir or philosopher’s stone. In the 20th century, people paid to be cryogenically frozen and now we have companies, like Humaii and Carboncopies, using artificial intelligence (AI) and nanotechnology to enable…
NASA Responds To Claims That The World Is Going To End Tomorrow
By: Jonathan O’Callaghan/IFL Science Sadly, tomorrow is the end of the world. I know, I know, you’ve still got stuff you want to do. But an expert has made the claim and, well, there’s no going back now. The mysterious planet Nibiru is going to slam into our planet, killing us all. NASA, however, is having none…
Stranger Gives Last Generator To A Desperate Shopper So She Can Keep Father On Oxygen
By: Good News Network While Hurricane Irma may be about to wreak havoc on the homes and properties of Florida and surrounding states, the storm has also provided a reason for people to come together in meaningful ways. One such scene unfolded in front of a TV news reporter who captured the moment on her phone. Pam…
New Tech Is Giving Humanity Many Potential Paths To Immortality
By: Tom Ward and Chelsea Gohd/Futurism Both Kurzweil and the 2045 program have predicted the state of machine-human singularity being achieved by 2045, but what are the methods of achieving such an end and what are the consequences of doing so? The 2045 Movement and Four Routes to Immortality Herodotus’s Fountain of Youth. Rowling’s Philosopher’s Stone. Barrie’s…
Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System—Why Native American Indians Keep Their Hair LONG
By: Educate Inspire Change When thinking about hair, we often rush to make connections with beauty salons, hair products, hair styles and everything connected to that, but few of us have actually asked why ancient Cultures like Native American Indians keep their hair long. As noted by C. Young on Scott, human Hair is can best be…
The UN Passes The First-Ever Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Worldwide
By: Dom Galeon and Abby Norman/Futurism A Timely Move On Friday, the United Nations passed the first-ever treaty imposing a total nuclear weapons ban. With North Korea openly continuing to test its arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles, each capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, the decision couldn’t be more timely. In a press briefing Thursday, U.N. conference…
Being Forgetful May Mean Your Brain Is Actually Working Properly
By: Jonathan O’ Callaghan/IFLScience A story making the rounds today is that being forgetful may be a sign of your brain working properly. Not remembering trivial details may actually be a sign your brain is better at separating the wheat from the chaff. This is an idea that’s been mooted before, but this latest research, conducted…
Monsanto And Bayer Are Maneuvering To Take Over The Cannabis Industry
By: Phillip Schneider/Waking Times It has been rumored for years that Monsanto plans to take over the cannabis industry with genetic engineering just as they’ve taken over the corn and soy industries. Although they have always denied having any intentions to do so, at this point it is unlikely that anybody really believes them. In contrast,…
Blind Man Tries Hailing Cab While Thousands Pass By Without Helping. Until One Woman Taps On Shoulder
By: Lindsay Harp/Liftable Life is very fast paced, so it’s no wonder that people often forget to notice what is going on around them. If we could just remember to stop rushing for a few minutes each day, we would have the chance to enjoy little moments or perhaps even brighten someone’s day. Ryan Hamilton was at…