By: Karla Lant/Futurism While developing negotiating chatbot agents, Facebook researchers found that the bots spontaneously developed their own non-human language as they improved their techniques, highlighting how little we still know about how artificial intelligence learn. THE FUTURE OF LANGUAGE A recent Facebook report on the way chatbots converse with each other has given the world…
The First “Space Nation” Wants You To Live On Their Orbital Space Station
By: Jonathan O’ Callaghan /IFLScience Asgardia, a rather unusual attempt to start a nation in space has announced it wants to eventually build a space station in Earth orbit and on the Moon. That somewhat lofty goal was revealed at a press conference in Hong Kong today. Here, Asgardia also unveiled its plans to launch its first satellite,…
Wireless Charging Could Soon Be A Reality For Electric Cars
By: Alfredo Carpineti/IFL Science The current limitations of electric cars are usually their range and recharging time, but now a physics breakthrough could wipe them off the list of problems. In a paper published in Nature, Stanford University researchers have worked out how to transmit electric charges wirelessly to a nearby moving object. The team transmitted 1 milliwatt…
Elon Musk: The Next Generation Tesla Roadster May Achieve 60 MPH In Under 2 Seconds
By: Dom Galeon/Futurism CEO Elon Musk hinted at a possible target for the next generation of Tesla Roadsters expected to launch by 2019, and it’s going to be the fastest one yet. Of course, with all the vehicles Tesla’s currently working on, we’ll have to wait a while to test it ourselves. From 2008…
It’s Official. Tesla’s Model X Is The Safest SUV On The Market With 5 Stars In Every Category
By: Dom Galeon/Futurism Tesla’s electric SUV, the Model X, is now officially the safest SUV on the market, scoring 5-star ratings in every crash safety test administered by the NHTSA. The vehicle also had the lowest probability of injury of any SUV tested by the administration. Tesla has done it again. Just like the…
Bloodhound Supersonic 1,000mph Car To Be Driven For The First Time In October
By: IFL Science An attempt to smash the world land speed record has moved closer to reality, with a low-speed trial run expected later this year. Bloodhound SSC (Super-Sonic Car), a cross between a car and a jet, has been in development for more than a decade. But on October 26, it will be…
F1 To F12: Learn How The Function Keys Can Save You Time
By: Patricia Lynn/Shareably We have all seen function keys before. They are those keys marked F1 to F12 on our computer keyboards. Most of us rarely use these keys when at the computer, but knowing how to use them can be really helpful. Function keys can save you a lot of time if you know how…
India Just Committed to Selling Only Electric Cars By 2030
By: Dom Galeon/Futurism It’s been a particularly glum couple of days for climate scientists, with President Donald Trump withdrawing US support for the Paris Climate Agreement, an action that resulted in the resignation of serial entrepreneur Elon Musk from his government advisory posts. The move was widely criticized by experts, other nations, and the majority of Americans as a major setback in the global…
The Solar Industry Is Creating Jobs 17 Times Faster Than The Rest of The US Economy
By: Karla Lant/Futurism A new report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reveals that solar jobs in the US (and other nations) are expanding quickly. As of November 2016, the American solar industry employed 260,077 workers. This is an increase of 24.5 percent from 2015, with a growth rate that is 17 times faster than…