This GoPro Camera Recorded Itself Being Swallowed By Lava – And Survived To Tell The Tale

By: Robin Andrews/IFL Science  We’ll probably never get tired of throwing things in lava. It’s something that’s almost certainly taken place since time immemorial, and although there’s no practical way to turn lava lakes or flows into insane trash incinerators, it’s certainly a lot of fun to watch people try. The latest victim of a fresh Hawaiian…

Gigantic Spider Webs Take Over A Jerusalem Forest

By: Tom Hale/IFL Science  Welcome to hell, arachnophobes. Although this might look like the set of Mirkwood in The Hobbit, or Aragog’s lair in Harry Potter’s the Forbidden Forest, it is actually the Soreq creek in Israel, not far from Jerusalem. As Reuters reports this week, this canopy of the forest has become the unlikely home for millions of long-jawed…

Harrison Ford: “Today’s Greatest Threat Is That People In Charge Don’t Believe In Science”

By: Robin Andrews/IFLScience   You know when you’re on the opposing side of Han Solo, Rick Deckard, or Indiana Jones, you’ve made a terrible mistake. In this case, it appears this longtime scoundrel is standing quite firmly on the other side of the federal government, particularly when it comes to science. A few days back, Harrison Ford was…

Trump Administration Forced To Release Report That Confirms Humans Are Causing Climate Change

By: Robin Andrews/IFLScience   A major scientific report has just been published that concludes that the climate is warming, that it is affecting the lives of everyday Americans, and that humans are the driving cause of it. This is well known by now, of course – but what’s strange about this particular report is that the Trump administration released…

Nicaragua Joins Paris Agreement Leaving America And Syria Isolated

By: Robin Andrews/IFL Science   The world reeled when President Trump announced that America would withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement earlier this year. Despite all the political, environmental, societal, and economic costs of doing so, the White House declared that it would stop all efforts to combat climate change at a federal level. At the time, this meant that…