Newly Developed HIV Treatment Can Fight 99 Percent Of All Strains

By: Josh Davis/IFLScience  In the continual struggle to effectively treat HIV, a disease that kills millions of people a year, researchers may have made an exciting breakthrough. In a new study, scientists report that they have developed a new type of antibody that could potentially treat, and even prevent HIV infection. One of the main reasons why HIV…

Newly Released Footage Shows The Moment The Soviet Union Tried To Create A New Lake By Detonating A Nuclear Bomb

By: Steve Potvin/IFL Science  Stunning footage from 1965 has appeared online showing the Soviet Union detonating an underground nuclear bomb in order to form a reservoir in Kazakhstan. The video shows an enormous dark mushroom cloud filling the sky, leaving behind a large crater. This crater then acts as a dam to the existing river, while a…

Scientists Have Managed To Store Light As Sound For The First Time

By: Alfredo Carpineti/IFLScience  A team of researchers from the University of Sydney has managed to convert the digital information carried by light waves into sound waves inside a microchip. This is the first time such a feat has been achieved. This technological breakthrough is crucial in the development of photonic integrated circuits, the basis of computers…

Researchers Have Linked A Human Brain To The Internet For The First Time Ever

By: Patrick Caughill/Futurism  Researchers from Wits University have linked a brain directly to the internet. Data gathered from this project could help fuel the next steps in machine learning and brain-computer interfaces. BRAIN MEETS IOT A team of researchers at Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa have made a major breakthrough in the field of biomedical…

Are Dogs Really Color-Blind?

By: Lily Feinn/The Dodo  In some ways, they actually see better than we do. Have you ever wondered what the world looks like through your dog’s eyes? For example, when you throw a red ball into a patch of green grass, what does your pup see? A popular notion suggests the world appears to dogs as outlines and…

Researchers: Depression May Be A Physical Illness Linked To Inflammation

By: Karla Lant/Futurism  Scientists are now calling the link between depression and inflammation caused by a faulty immune system definitive. Whether it’s causal or not, the connection opens up new avenues for treatment and new hope for sufferers. PHYSICAL ROOTS OF DEPRESSION Although current treatments for depression mostly focus on brain chemicals such as serotonin, scientists…

There’s A $100 Million Plan To Make A Synthetic Spinal Cord To End Paralysis

By: Dom Galeon/Futurism  Hugh Herr and his colleagues at MIT’s Center for Extreme Bionics want to change what it means to be disabled. As part of a $100 million, five-year project, the researchers are working on advanced prosthetics that work like real limbs, a synthetic nervous system, and more. A BOLD MISSION Some say experience is the…