Scientists Are Still Puzzled By These 7 Mysterious Geological Formations
The Mystery Of The Lava Lamp Explained
The Mystery Of The Lava Lamp Explained
An Invention That Facilitates The Birth Of A Child By Centrifugal Force
An Invention That Facilitates The Birth Of A Child By Centrifugal Force
The Oldest Confirmed Dog Ever Is An 18,000 Year Old Puppy Found Frozen In Ice
The Oldest Confirmed Dog Ever Is An 18,000 Year Old Puppy Found Frozen In Ice
A New Zero-Waste Juicing Machine Makes Cups From Orange Peels Using A 3D Printer
A New Zero-Waste Juicing Machine Makes Cups From Orange Peels Using A 3D Printer
We Think We Know Where That Interstellar Object Came From
By: Jonathan O’Callaghan/IFLScience We may have spied our first ever interstellar object in the Solar System last month. Now, scientists think they might know where it came from. The object A/2017 U1 – now nicknamed Oumuamua, Hawaiian for “ the first messenger” – caused a huge amount of excitement when it was spotted in October. Its path around…
New Aerial Images Show Mysterious Lost City In The Middle Of The Pacific Ocean
By: Rosie McCall/IFL Science Nan Madol is an ancient and remote city that has long been out of reach for archaeologists. Now, new tech has given scholars unprecedented access to the site, which was once the seat of the Saudeleur Dynasty (1100 CE to 1600 CE). The “floating” city sits on a coral reef in the Pacific…
Portugal Doesn’t Have Net Neutrality. This Is What Their Internet Looks Like
By: Robin Andrews/IFLScience The basic principle of net neutrality is hard to disagree with. It posits that Internet service providers and state organizations regulating the Internet must treat all websites equally, and must not discriminate in any manner. It ensures the Web remains open and free to access for all. Thanks to the actions of…
Scientists Are Sharing The One Thing They Want The World To Know About Their Fields
By: James Felton/IFL Science If you had to narrow down everything you know, and could only tell people one thing about your field of study, could you do it? That’s what one person has challenged the internet to do this week, and a lot of scientists have leaped at the chance to tell the world what they…