By: Ariana Marisol/Real Farmacy A woman from Tulsa, Oklahoma is suing the city’s code enforcement teams after they illegally cut down her entire survival garden.
Denise Morrison started the garden after becoming unemployed. She had over 100 medicinal and edible plants in her front and backyard.
After Morrison became unemployed, she decided to become self-sufficient. She filled her yard with things like fruit trees, berries, nut trees, and a wide variety of edible and medicinal herbs. She used these herbs to treat her diabetes, high-blood pressure, and arthritis.
All of her hard work ended when the local code enforcement team showed up and forcibly removed her entire garden. Morrison attempted to explain how everything in her yard followed the local code enforcement rules. She had problems with these people in the past and was determined to do everything by the book with her garden.
She obtained the local ordinances and followed every rule to the tee. She made sure that everything in her garden had a purpose, and that her garden looked its best at all times. Local ordinances stated that no plant could be over 12 inches tall unless they were being used for human consumption.
Morrison made sure every plant in her garden could be eaten, but that did not matter to the city. They ignored their own law and took her garden down.
Over 100 plant varieties were removed by the code enforcement team, leaving her with no way to feed or medicate herself. They took everything, even her fruit and nut trees.
While this case is very sad, it is becoming more and more common throughout the country. This country is making it harder and harder for self-reliant people to live on their own land.