By: Life Coach Code Researchers from England, Holland and Sweden have shown great interest in the experiment done by 5 girls from northern Jutland in 9th grade.
They did an experiment for a biology test, so brilliant, that it has attracted international attention among acknowledged biologists and radiation experts.
The girls got really surprised by the sudden attention from all around the world.
“It has been such a rollercoaster ride. I still cannot believe it”, says Lea Nielsen, one of the girls.
“It’s totally overwhelming and exciting. It’s just not something you experience every day”. added Mathilde Nielsen, another girl from the group.
It all started because they found it difficult to concentrate during the school day:
“We all think we have experienced difficulty concentrating in school if we had slept with the phone next to our head, and sometimes also experienced having difficulty sleeping”, explains Lea Nielsen.
So here is what they did:
They took 400 cress seeds and placed them in 12 trays. Then, they placed 6 trays in 2 separate rooms at the same temperature. They gave the same amount of water and sun to all the trays for 12 days.
However, 6 of the trays were put next to two [Wi-Fi] routers. Such routers broadcast the same type of radiation as an ordinary mobile.
After 12 days what the result spoke was clear: cress seeds next to the router did not grow, and some of them were even mutated or dead.

The unexposed cress

The exposed cress
“It is truly frightening that there is so much effect, so we were very shocked by the result”, says Lea.
Olle Johansson, a renowned professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, is one of the impressed researchers.
He will now repeat the experiment with a Belgian research colleague, Professor Marie-Claire Cammaert at the Université libre de Bruxelles.
According to him, this is absolutely brilliant:
“The girls stayed within the scope of their knowledge, skilfully implemented and developed a very elegant experiment. The wealth of detail and accuracy is exemplary, choosing cress was very intelligent, and I could go on”, he says.
He is not slow to send them an invitation to go on the road:
“I sincerely hope that they spend their future professional life in researching because I definitely think they have a natural aptitude for it. Personally, I would love to see these people on my team!”

The unexposed cress
But the experiment proved something really huge. Something the majority of the world does without knowing the consequences.
“None of us sleep with the mobile next to the bed anymore. Either the phone is put far away, or it is put in another room. And the computer is always off”, says Lea.
If your bed is close to a WiFi Router we strongly advise to change the bed’s or the router’s location. And when it is time to sleep, leave the technology where its place is.