Stephen Hawking And 32 Top Physicists Just Signed A Heated Letter On The Universe’s Origin

By: Fiona Macdonald/Science Alert For centuries, people have puzzled over how our Universe began. But the heat just got turned way up on a debate that’s quietly been raging between cosmologists, with 33 of the world’s most famous physicists publishing a letter angrily defending one of the leading hypotheses we have for the origin of the Universe. The letter…

Stephen Hawking Is Going Into Space

By: Kimberly Burnham/Second Nexus In an interview with ITV’s Good Morning Britain, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking revealed that he would be heading into space with commercial spaceline Virgin Galactic. “I have already completed a zero-gravity flight which allowed me to float, weightless,” Hawking said. “But my ultimate ambition is to fly into space. I thought…