The Sun Has Turned Red And There’s A Very Cool But Slightly Horrifying Reason Why

By: James Felton/IFLScience   If you’re in the UK and you’ve looked out the window at any point today, it’s likely you’ve seen an unusually red-looking Sun. The hashtag #redsun is trending on Twitter, with people sharing many photos that to be honest, look like they’re straight out of an apocalyptic movie. It’s a pretty spectacular sight and can…

Enormous Meteor With Energy Equal To 540 Tonnes Of TNT Spotted Over China

By: Chris Jones/IFLScience The sky was lit up on the night of 4th October 2017 a meteor tore through the atmosphere over the Shangri-La County in Yunnan Province of China. The meteor was spotted at around 8 pm local time, and luckily, many locals captured the spectacular event on camera. According to NASA’s Center For Near-Earth Object Studies,…

Can Cats and Dogs See “Spirits”? Science Confirms They Can See Frequencies We Can’t

By: The Mind Unleashed  It was recently brought to my attention that even mainstream science recognizes cats, dogs, and other animals can see frequencies humans can’t. After reading about it a little bit, it makes sense scientifically in a separate way from spiritually. It’s simple really: the scientific explanation is that cats and dogs can see…