Chemotherapy Proven To Spread Cancer, Cause Lethal Tumors In Groundbreaking New Study

By: The Mind Unleashed  In a groundbreaking new study, they’ve proven that chemotherapy causes cancer cells to spread throughout the body – to replicate themselves, making your cancer worse, not better. The scientists who conducted this study titled, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy induces breast cancer metastasis through a TMEM-mediated mechanism, warn that chemo – the procedure which costs people upwards…

Medical Marijuana Is Preferred By 93% Of Patients For Pain Management

By: Science Alert  Patients managing pain vastly prefer using medical marijuana to opioid-based medications. They reported fewer side effects, and the majority found cannabis more effective. A new study has investigated what patients themselves prefer when it comes to managing pain — opioids, which are widely distributed for intense pain relief, or medical marijuana. The researchers found…

Big Pharma Stands To Lose $18.5 Billion If All 50 States Legalize Medical Marijuana

By: Daily Health Post  Pharmaceutical companies are one of the biggest influences in the US economy and, subsequently, in US law. It is no secret that Big Pharma has lobbied against medical (and recreational) marijuana legalization as they stand to lose a substantial amount of money. States that have already legalized medical cannabis are already…