Scientists Have Managed To Store Light As Sound For The First Time

By: Alfredo Carpineti/IFLScience  A team of researchers from the University of Sydney has managed to convert the digital information carried by light waves into sound waves inside a microchip. This is the first time such a feat has been achieved. This technological breakthrough is crucial in the development of photonic integrated circuits, the basis of computers…

Reviewers of Tesla’s Newest Vehicle Are Unanimous: “The Model 3 Has No Competition”

By: Karla Lant/Futurism A PEERLESS RIDE As the Tesla Model 3 launch was imminent, Jack Stewart of Wired wrote, “The arrival of Tesla’s Model 3 signals a new chapter in automotive history, one that erases 100-plus years of the gas engine and replaces it with technology, design, and performance hot enough to make electric vehicles more than aspirational…