By: Claire S Bernish/The Mind Unleashed Determined to assist victims caught in rushing floodwaters dumped in record-breaking deluge courtesy of Hurricane Harvey upon ill-prepared Houston, 31-year-old Texan, Alonso Guillen, took to a boat with other volunteers last Wednesday. But the churning floodwaters and obstacle course both submerged and above the surface turned the search and rescue…
Guns Are Now The Third Leading Cause Of Death For U.S. Children
By: Maria Guido/Scary Mommy Guns kill nearly 1300 children each year. Gun Control: The two words feared most by gun-loving Americans and the NRA. The problem is, most sensible gun owners and Americans are calling for gun safety, not control. Measures like strict background checks, mandatory waiting periods for purchases, and safe storage laws are things no…
Teen Dies After Consuming ‘Totally Legal Substance.’ If Your Kids Use This, Warn Them Immediately
By: Carolyn Marie/Liftable Davis Cripe, 16, was a sophomore at Spring Hill High School in South Carolina. He worked at The Plex Indoor Sports and was involved in Fusion Youth Group at Chapin United Methodist Church. Like many high school students, he had rewarding relationships with his friends and family. He had a passion for music and making people…