By: Robin Andrews/IFL Science It’s almost certain that Pres. Trump will walk out into the White House Rose Garden and tell the world that America will be withdrawing from the Paris agreement. Sources close to the discussions said that he had made his decision last night – the nationalistic arguments of “America First” had prevailed,…
“Doomsday” Vault Flooded After Permafrost Melts Due To Climate Change
By: Kristy Hamilton/IFL Science The fortified Svalbard Global Seed Vault, designed to protect the world’s seeds from disaster and environmental devastation, has been flooded. The culprit? Climate change. “It is a fail-safe seed storage facility, built to stand the test of time – and the challenge of natural or man-made disasters,” reads the website by Crop Trust, the organization…
American Trees Are Moving West, And No One Knows Why
By: Robinson Meyer/The Atlantic As the consequences of climate change strike across the United States, ecologists have a guiding principle about how they think plants will respond. Cold-adapted plants will survive if they move “up”—that is, as they move further north (away from the tropics) and higher in elevation (away from the warm ground). A…
Earth Observatory Blog: Scientists March On Earth Day
By: Sabrina SMITH/Earth Observatory In honor of Earth Day, I’m calling attention to the reality of climate change around the world. We know that the planet’s climate is warming from many data sources. Ice cores, corals, ocean sediments, and tree rings tell the story of Earth’s climate over the past 800,000 years. Orbital satellites, sea…
Stephen Hawking Is Going Into Space
By: Kimberly Burnham/Second Nexus In an interview with ITV’s Good Morning Britain, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking revealed that he would be heading into space with commercial spaceline Virgin Galactic. “I have already completed a zero-gravity flight which allowed me to float, weightless,” Hawking said. “But my ultimate ambition is to fly into space. I thought…