By: James Felton/IFLScience Rebecca Bredow and her ex-husband are embroiled in a court battle over the issue. Her ex-husband, Jason Horne, believes that their son should be vaccinated against potentially life-threatening diseases, including measles, mumps, and rubella. Bredow feels differently. “I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in than giving in to something I strongly…
A Pediatrician Just Laid Out How To Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse—And She’s Begging You To Listen
By: Jenny Rapson/For Every Mom Recently, a good friend of mine shared a Facebook post by one of her friends, who happens to be a pediatrician. The post was on something that should be of interest to ALL parents: child sexual abuse; specifically, when it happens, where it happens, and WHO victimizes our kids and how…