Massive Traffic Jam On A Beach Created By An Artist To Raise Awareness About Climate Change
Harrison Ford: “Today’s Greatest Threat Is That People In Charge Don’t Believe In Science”
By: Robin Andrews/IFLScience You know when you’re on the opposing side of Han Solo, Rick Deckard, or Indiana Jones, you’ve made a terrible mistake. In this case, it appears this longtime scoundrel is standing quite firmly on the other side of the federal government, particularly when it comes to science. A few days back, Harrison Ford was…
Glastonbury Crowd Form World’s Biggest Ever Human Peace Sign
By: Mel Ramsay/Community If you’re anything like me, you’ve been watching your news feeds with a quiet, burning hatred over the last couple of days. More so than usual. Why? Because it’s Glastonbury time and every single person you know has apparently managed to blag the ‘near-impossible’ tickets. Bastards. To be fair, there’s probably more fun…