Secret Footage Shows How Baby Elephants Are Really Treated At This Zoo

By: /The Dodo Throngs of visitors regularly gather at a zoo in Germany to see a dozen captive elephants, including babies, performing tricks, like standing up on their hind legs and running around a ring in a line, or holding each other’s tails with their little trunks — but secret footage shows the grueling and sad ‘training’ that makes these shows possible.

PETA Germany

Behind the scenes at the Hanover Adventure Zoo, young elephants are hit with bullhooks and whipped into submission, footage from PETA Germany reveals.

Bullhooks are metal rods with sharp hooks on the end that have traditionally been used to beat elephants during training for circus acts or elephant rides. Because these tools are considered inhumane and cruel, many cities have banned the use of them.

PETA Germany

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