Sometimes nature treats us to some rare and stunning sights, if you are in the right place and at the right time. Photographer Svetlana Kazina was, and was able to capture a rare phenomena – beautiful iridescent clouds above Belukha mountain, Siberia’s highest peak. Svetlana lives in the Altai mountains, a mountain range in Central and East Asia where Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan come together.
Cloud iridescence is a colorful optical phenomenon occurring in clouds and appears in the general proximity of the moon or sun. The colors look like those seen in soap bubbles and oil on a water surface. Truly a magnificent sight. Svetlana said, “On this day the wind was so strong that the clouds continually changed into various forms at times being so thin that they resemble lace.” Svetlana is lucky to live in an area where the iridescent clouds are not so uncommon, and are often seen near the sun. The colors grow in intensity as the sun sinks lower into the horizon.
Mother nature truly is wonderful, and blesses us with some incredible phenomena. These iridescent clouds are nothing short of heavenly.