People Are Rushing To Save Thousands Of Animals Before This Volcano Erupts

By: Elizabeth Claire Alberts/The Dodo  The volcano could erupt at any moment — but animal lovers are going into the danger zone, risking their lives to help as many animals as they can.

Last week, the Indonesian government issued a dire warning to the island of Bali — Mount Agung, an active volcano, could erupt for the first time in 50 years, spreading lava across a 7.5-mile radius from its crater. Since then, more than 48,000 people have been evacuated from the area and moved to temporary camps and public buildings in other parts of the island.

Animal rescuers feeding abandoned puppies in the evacuation zone for the volcano eruption |

Unfortunately, many animals were left behind.

“People being moved to emergency accommodation situations were told they can’t take their dogs,” Ebony Owens, director at Bali Dog Adoption and Rehabilitation Centre (BARC), told The Dodo. “A lot of people are saying they were forced to [leave them].”

Mount Agung in Bali, Indonesia |

Animal rescuers are doing everything they can to help these abandoned animals, which include dogs, cats, cows, birds, and goats. Team members from BARC, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) and Animals Indonesia are working together to rescue and relocate as many animals as they can.


“We have been inundated for requests to help pets and livestock,” Owens said. “We are relocating animals to safer ground when we can, and rescuing the injured and those in the greatest danger. The team are helping hundreds of animals a day but there are still many more in need of help.”

A local woman who refused to leave without her dogs, who are now in the care of BARC |

Many animals are being housed in foster homes and temporary shelters, Femke Den Haas, founder of JAAN, told The Dodo.


But unfortunately, rescuers can’t relocate every animal they find, simply because there isn’t enough space. Sometimes, the most the rescuers can do is give the abandoned animals food and water, and hope they escape the danger on their own.


Owens explained that they’re also releasing dogs from chains and letting birds out of cages so they have a chance to get away from the volcano.

Den Haas releasing caged birds in the evacuation zone |

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