Never leaving your house to travel to and from work might seem like a sweet deal, just like working in your pajamas sounds awesome, right? But have you tried considering those with kids around? Kids are the sweetest and a working parent would usually wish to be with their kids or maybe balance out their work-family routine somehow. Working from home might seem like a great way to solve it, but with a deadline to meet and the pressure of work hanging by a thread, the perks of working from home take a somewhat crazy and chaotic turn. Check out the pictures below to see some of the craziest and funniest work from home situations!
- The C-Virus scare plus a kid dressed as a superhero staring at you while you work.

Parenting can be a great challenge, especially for those who are trying to juggle work and raise their kids. A good example of this is when you just want a glass of wine and sit down in front of the TV to unwind after a stressful workday but you discover that your kid broke the TV. It also is worst when you are trying to meet a deadline, while your kid is running around pretending to be spiderman, superman or whoever is his favorite superhero!
A University of Massachusetts psychology professor, Allyssa McCabe, said that as the child grows older, it gets easier to keep them busy. This means that the younger they are, they would require social interaction and that makes playing on their own a sticky situation and usually, parents resort to just providing gadgets to keep their kids busy enough. Parents have to know though that this is not really helping their kids’ cognitive and language skills.
2. When your child suggest you wear your wedding dress for lunch and you can’t say “No”.

Be aware that your kids might want you to do something a bit drastic and weird – like wearing your old wedding gown. This might be for breakfast, lunch, tea time or dinner. This may seem weird to us adults, but when you look at your kids’ faces, you might realize that if only we adults play as often as they do, maybe we’d feel less stressed out and would enjoy life better.
3. You enter your living room and see your kid made a pentacle out of her toys!

Some would say this might be a staged picture, but the majority says it’s still funny as “hell” and the picture is just all about the child trying to summon her imaginary friend! A netizen who commented on this picture even joked “I said sanitize, not Satanize!”
4. Teach your children the value of money by earning it!

A parent got really clever and thought of this awesome way to keep her kids busy and teach them the value of money in life and ways how to earn them. Though this seems like a nice way of teaching the kids how to be responsible, some netizen said this is just teaching kids that chores are just plain work and not responsibilities included in living a clean and healthy life.
5. Pets get home-schooled, too.

This is a really cute photo of a dog teaching the kids that dogs are good and cats are bad! Some netizens find it hilarious and one even commented that it should be no surprise the next lesson would be all about drinking from the toilet bowl.
6. A different office scene!

Now, this is different! Instead of the typical office scene that’s buzzing with your colleagues, you get one with your kids hovering by your office. A netizen made a comment that this looks hilarious and scary at the same time!
7. Pets get stressed out during the quarantine, too!

Pets are also not safe during the quarantine period. Since there are no classes, kids are at home all the time. It’s either the toys or the pets that are mostly harassed.
8. The damage is done!

Often times it’s surely the TV that gets worn out. Everyone in the family uses it! Times like these, it’s the one thing in the house that does not get much rest. It would be no surprise the kids will still use this TV, even if they’d have to deal with the damaged graphics.
9. Work + Scalp Care

Here’s a picture of one cool working dad. He’s getting his work done and having a scalp massage both at the same time. The kid doesn’t look like he’s complaining, too!
10. A kid’s 5-minute work of art

To a parent, this is a complete disaster and a nightmare to deal with when cleaning up. But to a kid, this is their proud moment – a work of art! One parent said this should only take 5 minutes for her kid to do all of this!
11. A Shade of Slime

This is basically the same scenario as the picture before this one, it’s just another shade of paint. The cleaning problem is the same for the poor parent, though. A netizen commented that he’s confused about how come these kids had access to an open can of paint.
12. Under the protection of underwear!

Would you like some peace and quiet and go through work undisturbed? Hang underwear on your doorknob and voila! No one should be able to gather up the guts and touch this, so you should be safe!
13. A really expensive bath

Feature writer Ed Cumming joins in with this hilarious yet horrifying picture of toilet rolls with some other toys in the bathtub. Because of the scarcity of toilet papers in the market, it has caused people to go panic buying and wasting toilet paper like this would be a parent’s nightmare come true!
14. A beautiful disaster!

It’s child play for this little one, but a parent would definitely think otherwise as she is wasting basic necessities during times like this! This kid probably thought toothpaste is another type of coloring material.
15. Alcohol versus Kids

With all the funny pictures in this list of quarantine times of parents with their kids, we have saved the best for last, which should be very relatable to all stressed-out parents. Working from home is implemented because it’s crucial to stay safe during this COVID-19 pandemic, but no one ever said it would be easy.