“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla If you google “parapsychology,” the first thing that will probably pop up is a Wikipedia entry loosely (and, in my opinion, rather offensively) defining it as a “pseudoscience.”…
More Than 60 School Children Witness Non-Human Beings & A Large Craft Landing
One of the most astonishing UFO witness cases comes from a supposed encounter with over sixty schoolchildren in the town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe, on September 16th 1994. The children claim to have seen multiple hovering objects that resembled what we would describe as spaceships. Remember, unidentified objects have been tracked on radar scores of times –…
7 Mind-Altering Facts About The Milky Way Galaxy: Our Galactic Home
According to the best estimates by astronomers from around the world, there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe. As for the parts of the universe we can’t see? Who knows. Within these billions (if not trillions) of galaxies are billions (if not trillions) of stars… Quite mind-altering, isn’t it? It is…
Researchers Predict That A “Mini Ice Age” Is Coming Very Soon
***This has nothing to do with human impact on climate change, but more so the activity of the sun and how solar cycles impact our climate as well. It’s based on a mathematical model that shows the sun might “quiet” down in the coming years thus impacting our climate as well. This is not a climate…
You Are Looking At An Off-Grid Floating ‘UFO’ Home – Pretty Cool Isn’t It?
Italian mini yacht-maker Jet Capsule has come up with a concept for a saucer-shaped UFO that offers a an off-grid existence floating on the ocean. It 12.5 meters (41 feet) in diameter, and has a shower and bedroom that are located on the lower level of the UFO. It’s also is tethered to the seabed with…
This Little Known Chinese Herb Kills 12,000 Cancer Cells For Every Healthy Cell
A little-known Chinese herb might be eligible for the growing list of alternative cancer treatments. According to studies published in Life Sciences, Cancer Letters, and Anticancer Drugs, artemesinin, a derivative of the wormwood plant commonly used in Chinese medicine, can kill off cancer cells and do it at a rate of 12,000 cancer cells for every…
Scientists Develop Crystals That Make Breathing Underwater A Possibility
Danish scientists are closer to helping people who suffer from respiratory ailments, thanks to a new absorption crystal. Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark have uncovered crystalline materials which are capable of pulling oxygen out of both air and water, a discovery which could eventually mark the end of the need to carry around cumbersome oxygen tanks, but…
Stanford Scientists Observe Man ‘Travel Outside His Body’ & Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable
It was more than four decades ago when NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft was launched into space. For the first time ever, our world was able to witness the very first spacecraft to fly directly through the asteroid belt and make observations of Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. Before this happened, the CIA and…
Physicists Send Particles Of Light Into The Past, Proving Time Travel Is Possible?
Single particles of light (photons) to simulate quantum particles travelling through time were just used by scientists from the University of Queensland, Australia. They showed that one photon can pass through a wormhole and then interact with its older self. Their findings were published in Nature Communications. Closed timelike curves are a concept necessary to understand this…