It’s called quantum entanglement, it’s extremely fascinating and counter to what we believe to be the known scientific laws of the universe, so much so that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it. Although it’s called “quantum entanglement,” though Einstein referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.” Recent research has taken quantum entanglement out of…
A Top Secret Black-Budget Secret Space Program That’s Reversed-Engineered Extraterrestrial Technology?
Yes, there are still many who would instantaneously think you’re completely bonkers for even contemplating any truth to the title above, but that comes from a place of innocent ignorance. It’s easy to dismiss something without properly investigating the subject for yourself, and the thought of an idea like this still remaining in the category of…
China Begins Operating The Worlds Largest Radio Telescope
The world’s largest radio telescope began searching for signals from stars and galaxies and, perhaps, extraterrestrial life Sunday in a project demonstrating China’s rising ambitions in space and its pursuit of international scientific prestige. Beijing has poured billions into such ambitious scientific projects as well as its military-backed space program, which saw the launch of China’s…
Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains
While it may seem obvious that a good hike through a forest or up a mountain can cleanse your mind, body, and soul, science is now discovering that hiking can actually change your brain… for the better! Hiking In Nature Can Stop Negative, Obsessive Thoughts Aside from the almost instant feeling of calm and contentment that accompanies time…
How Microsoft Claims It Will ‘Solve’ Cancer Within The Next 10 Years
I think it’s a very natural think for Microsoft to be looking at because we have tremendous expertise in computer science and what is going on in cancer is a computational problem…It’s not just an analogy, it’s a deep mathematical insight. Biology and computing are disciplines which seem like chalk and cheese but which have very…
‘Impossible’ Quantum Space Engine That Breaks Laws Of Physics Is About To Be Tested In Space
A couple of years ago, researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre discovered a thruster system which actually generates thrust, despite requiring absolutely no propellant. The implications of this discovery are far-reaching; applications for space flight and other technologies which require propulsion could one day become far cheaper, allowing space exploration to expand exponentially. The existence of this technology…
Supposed Pictures Of Real Extraterrestrial Beings: Do You Think They Would Look So Similar To US?
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations . . . [and] it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be…
The Four Elements Of True Love: According To The Teaching Of The Buddha
What is love? What is ‘true’ love? Can it even be defined? Our idea of what true love is today most likely comes from a fairytale, movie, or reality TV show, and the definition has likely changed many times. But we all have certain conditions attached to our idea of what love is, or some sort…
An Ice Volcano On Ceres That’s Half The Size of Everest Was Just Discovered
NASA scientists have found evidence of an icy volcanism on a former planet named Ceres, located in the asteroid belt. In 2006, Ceres was classified this time as a dwarf planet — not really a planet, but not really an asteroid, either. At just 600 miles wide, Ceres is one of the smallest dwarf planets in…