15 Mind-Blowing Photos of the Largest Planet to Be Found In Our Solar System, Taken By NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Of Jupiter
A Delightful Tiny Picnic Table For Squirrels Built By A Man In His Yard
Squirrels enjoy roaming freely in trees in natural forests. Yet, we sometimes see some of the furry creatures in our backyard. Most likely we have invaded their natural habitat, as many towns and populated areas have claimed forest lands.Some may consider them to be pests, like rats and pigeons. But they are harmless, and have been…
Spring Break “Covidiots” Are Tracked By Cell Phone Location Data Where They Went After Amassing At Florida Beaches
Some people just don’t get the dangers of the Coronavirus. Even if they are young healthy individuals who believe that it won’t kill them, they don’t realize they can cause its spread to millions of others. Such reckless abandon should be considered a crime during this time of global crisis. Thousands of young Americans just laughed-off…
Couple Stuck In Quarantine Amazed By A Cute, Sleeping Fox On A Tree Stump
Couple Stuck In Quarantine Amazed By A Cute, Sleeping Fox On A Tree Stump
Orangutans and Otters Share A ‘Very Special Bond’ And An Enclosure In A Belgian Zoo!
Orangutans and Otters Share A ‘Very Special Bond’ And An Enclosure In A Belgian Zoo!
Parents’ Funny Quarantine Pics With Their Kids
Parents’ Funny Quarantine Pics with Their Kids
This 101-Year Old Man, Survivor Of The Deadly Spanish Flu Pandemic Recovers From Coronavirus
The COVID-19 virus has proven to be a deadly menace, most particularly in Italy. Italy has the most number of deaths caused by Covid-19, and is continuing to increase exponentially. Most of the fatalities were older people, but surprisingly, a 101-year old man was able to recover completely. What is more surprising, is that he was…
Japan Is Going Insane About Sea Bunnies, A Furry Sea Slug Species
When you think of sea slugs, you may cringe at the thought of these slimy creatures. But in Japan, they are going gaga over a special sea slug, the Jorunna parva, or the Sea Bunnies. Japan’s Twittersphere considers them the cutest sea slugs on the planet. It actually looks like a furry bunny. What look like…
Loyal Dog Helps His Quarantined Owner Who Sent Him To Buy Cheetos, And He Delivered
The bond between a pet dog and their owner is usually strong and everlasting. We love our dogs, after all they are man’s best friend. Knowing you can rely on your pets is totally gratifying. Especially during a crisis, like the Coronavirus pandemic that is affecting the world. Cities, states, and other countries are doing the…