When we visit the zoo, we are used to seeing different animals separated in different cages. But did you know that co-existing with each other helps them socialize and it is actually healthy, too? It’s enriching for both parties.
This is what happened in Pairi Daiza, a Belgian zoo in Brugelette. Asian small-clawed otters came in close contact with two orangutans and their child, who moved to the award-winning zoo in 2017 from Germany. Their names are Sari (15) and Ujian (24) and their son named Berani is 3. Photos surfaced showing the three orangutans socializing with their otter friends, who they met when the staff ran their river right through the territory for the apes.
Mathieu Goedefroy, the spokesman for Pairi Daiza Zoo stated that since the orangutans’ DNA has almost a hundred percent similarity to the human DNA, like human beings, they need to have some form of entertainment, be challenged and physically, as well as both emotionally and mentally, busy. Animals who are in captivity should have both the quality and size of their enclosure because these serve as crucial for their well-being. That said, zookeepers have created programs for the orangutans’ enrichment. This interaction with other animals is part of the enrichment program. Part of it is letting the family of otters reside in the river within close proximity of the orangutan territory. There would also be puzzles, mind games and riddles and anything else that would train their intelligence and keep them busy the whole day.
The youngest orangutan, as shown in the pictures, plays with the otters individually, while the older orangutans provide them entertainment as a whole group. Goedefroy said that it’s Ujian and Berani who have a very strong bond with their otter friends. The otters are also clearly enjoying their friendship with their big furry friends and this makes the experiment a success.