The Waze App is the craze for drivers who need information to get to their destination. It may be considered as the most reliable GPS app available. While it is almost completely accurate, almost is not a sure thing. Some problems may be due to program glitches, and some, to misleading ads. For example, an ad in the navigation app is misdirecting drivers headed to the Atlantic City’s Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa into the wilderness of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens instead. The 2 locations are actually 45 miles from each other. So what gives? Jackson Township police posted on Facebook that several officers had to assist motorists who got stuck along unpaved roads in the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area. According to the police, the problem stemmed from an orange ad logo in the Waze app. The address on the ad is correct, but the location pinned with the ad is actually located in the Colliers Mills wildlife area. The area is about 12,000 acres of wilderness. Fortunately, no untoward incident happened to any of the misdirected motorists. Needless to say, Waze was working on the problem as soon as it was reported. But, there is a lesson to be learned here. Apps may at times be incorrect in giving you your destination and if you feel that there may have been a mistake, stop and ask around for directions. It is not embarrassing to ask for directions. It is more embarrassing to ask police for help when you get lost in the wilderness.