By: Elias Manzella/Liftable A new baby needs constant attention and requires first priority. It seems like a lot to handle, but if you ask any parent they will tell you without hesitation their baby is well worth it.
Unfortunately, the deep love and affection they have for their child does not alleviate any surprise hardships a family may encounter. Like a furnace that goes out in freezing weather.
On February 23, the furnace went out in the Willmar, Minnesota, home of Jesse and Maria Hulscher. Their son, Adler, was just born the day before.
Posted by Maria Hulscher on Monday, April 3, 2017
Maria and Adler were still in the hospital, thankfully, but Jesse and Henrick, their 2-year-old child, were home preparing for the other half of their family to arrive. They needed to act quickly.
“Instantly I panicked,” Jesse said. “I have a two-year-old here, a newborn coming home in a couple of days and this was before the big potential snow storm.”
So Jesse called Magnuson Sheet Metal to inquire if they could come and fix the furnace before he brought his wife and newborn son home. Speaking with co-owner Craig Aurand, Jesse believes he was able to sense the urgency in which he spoke because within 20 minutes there was someone at their door.
“He said ‘the fan’s not working, the furnace isn’t working, my wife is in the hospital, we just had a baby yesterday,’” Aurand recalled. “I just said take it easy, we’ll be right there.”
They were able to quickly fix the problem and restore heat to the house before Maria and Adler returned. Jesse and Maria were impressed by Magnuson’s service, but when they received the bill they were shocked to see what it said.
“I opened it up and looked at the receipt and it said, ‘no charge, take care of the new baby,’” Jesse said. While Maria recalled, “I was like, ‘what? No. This can’t be real.’ And he’s like, ‘I know I can’t believe it either.’”
Feb 23rd…..that was the morning after Adler was born and I was just hopping out of the shower at my house about the…
Posted by Jesse Hulscher on Sunday, March 19, 2017
Magnuson Sheet Metal has a history of not charging families in need or for small jobs which happen on holidays. Aurand says his business believes in kind actions and being a service to the community.
“We didn’t do it for the PR, we just did it to be good people. That’s it. Just to be nice to these people,” he said. “That’s what this is about.”
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