Climate change is a phenomenon scientists take very seriously. It has shown many visible effects on our planet.
A Prehistoric Chinese Paddlefish Is Unfortunately The New Decade’s First Extinct Species
A Prehistoric Chinese Paddlefish Is Unfortunately The New Decade’s First Extinct Species
A Sunken House Is Floated Down The Thames By Activist Artists To Call Attention to Climate Change
A Sunken House Is Floated Down The Thames By Activist Artists To Call Attention to Climate Change
The Break-Up Of A Colossal Ice Shelf Exposed An Ancient And Mysterious Ecosystem
By: Robin Andrews/IFLScience After months and months of almost but not quite breaking away from Antarctica, a trillion-tonne chunk of the Larsen C Ice Shelf finally detached itself and drifted off into the Southern Ocean. As it so happens, this chilly divorce may have been a good thing, as it’s exposed a brand-new, never before seen ecosystem hiding just beneath…
What Happens When Two Hurricanes Collide?
By: Robin Andrews/IFL Science Eager to get in on all the hurricane action, the British tabloid press screamed of “DOUBLE HURRICANE HELL” as weather models showed the remnants of Hurricanes Maria and Lee merging to form a “Giant Atlantic SUPERSTORM.” Apart from the fact that, as you may suspect, this apocalyptic vision is somewhat oversold – it’ll just be a tad windy…
Satellite Images Of Puerto Rico Before And After Hurricane Maria Reveal Extent Of Blackout
By: Josh Davis/IFL Science Hurricane Maria swept the Caribbean island last week, leaving in its wake a trail of utter devastation and ruin. Houses were blasted away, roads washed out to sea, and the electricity grid trashed. Five days later and little has changed as the US territory is at risk of descending into a very…
People Are Rushing To Save Thousands Of Animals Before This Volcano Erupts
By: Elizabeth Claire Alberts/The Dodo The volcano could erupt at any moment — but animal lovers are going into the danger zone, risking their lives to help as many animals as they can. Last week, the Indonesian government issued a dire warning to the island of Bali — Mount Agung, an active volcano, could erupt for the first time…
Bali Volcano Expected To Erupt Soon, Causing 50,000 People To Flee
By: Josh Davis/IFLScience There is mounting concern about an imminent volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island of Bali. Shallow rumbles from below the crust surrounding Mount Agung are stoking fears that it will soon blow its top, leading to the evacuation of 50,000 people from the surrounding countryside. The mountain has been groaning and growling since August, but a…
NASA Pointed Out A Threat That Could Wipe Out Humans (No, It’s Not an Asteroid)
By: Anna LeMind/The Mind Unleashed If you think about a global catastrophic event, what comes to your mind first of all? I bet you imagine a nuclear war and a deserted landscape left as a result of it. Well, in the troubled times we live in, something like this is a possible scenario. But there is another…