By: Rachel Baxter/IFLScience Ever wanted an easy way to get rid of the stubborn excess fat around your midriff? Well, scientists have come up with a clever way to combat “love handles” in mice. They hope in the future it could be used to combat obesity and type 2 diabetes in people. Using a special medicated skin patch,…
Scientists Have Managed To Store Light As Sound For The First Time
By: Alfredo Carpineti/IFLScience A team of researchers from the University of Sydney has managed to convert the digital information carried by light waves into sound waves inside a microchip. This is the first time such a feat has been achieved. This technological breakthrough is crucial in the development of photonic integrated circuits, the basis of computers…
This Solar-Powered RV Runs Without Fuel Or Charging Stations
By: The Mind Unleashed If you presently suffer from a mad case of wanderlust, you’re sure to appreciate this new motorhome unveiled by RV company Dethleffs. With a sleek design and head-to-toe solar panels, the vehicle was made for the open road. It’s especially perfect for those who seek to go off-grid for a while, as it runs…
Elon Musk Just Shared the First Photo of SpaceX’s Space Suits
By: Dom Galeon/Futurism Founder and CEO Elon Musk took to Instagram today to post the first of several previews of SpaceX’s space suit. This futuristic space suit aims to combine 21st-century aesthetics with advanced functionality. This past weekend, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk promised to reveal photos of the space suit his company has been developing…
China Just Exceeded Its 2020 Target For Solar Installations
By: Brad Jones/Futurism China managed to add 10.52 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity to its national total over the course of July 2017, in addition to the 24.4 GW of capacity that was installed over the first six months of the year. The country is already the biggest producer of solar energy in the world, and that doesn’t seem…
Tesla Model S Sedans To Be Used As Patrol Cars By Luxembourg Police Department
By: Kyree Leary/Futurism The Ministry of Sustainable Development has purchased two Tesla Model S vehicles to be used as patrol cars by the Grand-Ducale police department. Their speed and fuel efficiency make them perfect for use in the country. The Tesla Model S will soon be seen paroling the streets of Luxembourg, as a pair of the electric…
DeLorean Aerospace Is Working on a Flying Car With a Range of 120 Miles
By: Patrick Caughill/Futurism PAGING DOC BROWN DeLorean cars have become a staple of ’80s pop culture thanks to their starring role in Robert Zemeckis’s iconic Back to the Future trilogy. Now, a new generation of the DeLorean family is looking to put the brand back into the spotlight by giving new meaning to a line kooky inventor Doc Brown delivers…
China Built The World’s Biggest Telescope But They’ve Got No One To Run It
By: Jonathan O’Callaghan/IFL Science China may have the world’s largest radio telescope in the world, but they’re apparently running into a few problems. Namely, they can’t find someone to run it. Known as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), China opened this huge dish in September 2016 to study the cosmos. Among its numerous goals, it will be…
Japanese Scientists Make “Unmeltable” Ice Cream
By: Tom Hale/IFL Science Melted ice creams, the destroyer of pleasant sunny days, are a problem as old as the frozen treats themselves. Fortunately, a team of Japanese engineers has the solution. Strangest of all, the story of this dessert development began with the massive tsunamis and earthquakes that struck Japan six years ago. The Biotherapy Development…