The ‘Tesla of eco-villages’ is developing off-grid housing that produces its own food and power

If you move into a new neighbourhood being constructed outside of Amsterdam, your salad greens might come from the greenhouse attached to your home. Your eggs could be gathered from the village chicken coop, and your food waste would all get harvested for compost. ReGen Villages is a startup real estate development company aiming to build small,…

A ‘Magnetic 6th Sense’ Has Been Discovered In Humans To Detect Something We Can’t Even See

It’s called magnetoreception, and it refers to the ability to perceive magnetic fields. Several animals use it to find their way over long distances by aligning themselves with the Earth’s magnetic field. Sea turtles. honeybees, spiny lobsters, dolphins, migratory birds, and more all have a magnetic compass which allows them to use the information that’s coded into…

China Begins Operating The Worlds Largest Radio Telescope

The world’s largest radio telescope began searching for signals from stars and galaxies and, perhaps, extraterrestrial life Sunday in a project demonstrating China’s rising ambitions in space and its pursuit of international scientific prestige.  Beijing has poured billions into such ambitious scientific projects as well as its military-backed space program, which saw the launch of…

6 Baffling Mysteries That Science Can’t Explain

We live in a strange and sometimes baffling world. Rather than being discouraged by how little we truly understand about the universe, however, we remain ever curious, continuously searching for answers to some of life’s biggest questions. Parapsychology is a great example of this drive to know more about the world around us. In this…