The Largest Ozone Layer Hole Has Most Likely Closed Itself According To Scientists, But It’s Not What You Think

Many of us realize the difficulties countries face due to the Coronavirus pandemic – economies have suffered, not to mention people are dying. Seems we have been plagued by bad news constantly, though there are some good effects happening because of the quarantine and lockdowns, with people staying home, nature and wildlife have been given…

Brilliantly Mesmerizing ‘Fire Rainbow’ Filling The Whole Sky Gets Captured By Photographer And Instantly Goes Viral

The term fire rainbow doesn’t mean an actual rainbow, and nor does it have anything to do with fire, either. A fire rainbow is better off known as circumhorizontal arcs. This optical phenomena only happens in the sky when the sun is higher than 58°.  Another factor needed to create these fire rainbows are cirrus clouds,…