The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. It has a distinctive physical appearance, and is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America, specifically native to the state of Maine, where it is the official state cat. While it is a large cat breed, many of us don’t realize how insanely large these cats can get. Seeing one may shock and even frighten some of us. Particularly the non-cat lovers. One cat lover wanted to feature her Maine Coon on instagram to show her off, especially how big the cat (named Lotus) really is. Some cats do grow larger than their normal size, though it may be difficult to tell through photos. But you decide based on the photos posted by the cat owner. One thing for sure, the cat Lotus is adorable and majestic, no matter her gargantuan size.
Maine coons are known as the “gentle giants” of the domestic feline world. They are highly intelligent and can be trained with ease. They are loyal and protective of their owners and family, but not mean and aggressive to strangers. They also happen to be relaxed with dogs and other cat breeds. Really a great pet to have.
Check out the series of photos the cat owner posted of her insanely enormous Maine Coon. would you want a cat this big?