An Amazing Bear Is Noticed Relaxing Just Like A Human On A Discarded Couch

Source: Mandy Stantic

Bears look so cute and adorable, even as we know that they are wild animals. Yet, sometimes they can surprise us with human-like mannerisms. This is what happened to Mandy Stantic who was visiting a garbage dump in Northern Manitoba to do some bear-spotting. And she was not disappointed. She witnessed something so remarkable, she had to immediately reach for her camera and take photos lest the opportunity disappears.  There was a bear alright, but it was just chillin’ on a discarded couch, just like a human does! While bears are often spotted in the dumpsite searching for food, it definitely is rare to see one on a couch…sitting in a position just like a tired person waiting for his favorite TV show. The bear even had one leg crossed over the other, and an arm on the armrest. And, as if to further enhance the image, Stantic explains that there was even a TV set in front of the bear! Seems he was waiting for his favorite comedy show to come on. It seemed to Stantic that the bear was relaxing after having a meal…we are known to do the same, right? It is normal to relax after a meal, bears are not so different after all. Hopefully, Stantic did not interrupt the bear’s comfort zone…even bears deserve to relax on a couch.

Source: Mandy Stantic
Source: Mandy Stantic
Source: Mandy Stantic
Source: Mandy Stantic

The Cosmic Scientist inspires people to open their minds up to a broader view of reality. Examination of information and news both on and off planet Earth is the focus of study here, and this is done by creating awareness and shedding light on a number of different topics. The Cosmic Scientist encourages and inspires all beings to follow their heart, and make positive changes in their own life and on their home planet.